Tony Stephens is a writer and producer living in New York City. After receiving his M.A. in Journalism, he spent six years in formation to become a catholic priest. He left the Jesuits to write and work in nonprofit communications. He recently married and lives with his wife and Seeing Eye dog in Manhattan.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

I find it interesting that during the Super bowl the announcers put in a plug for watching the commercials on-line after the game at CBS Sportsline. Between that and one of the better half-time shows I've seen in many years, Prince prooving that he still is a master showman, I have come to wonder if anyone actually watches the Super Bowl for the football.


Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, lots of people watch the game. I know I did, and probably 80% of the people I work with did too. Generally, it was just an ok game, but it still had some exciting moments i.e. kickoff return for a score to start the game, lots of fumbles due to the wet conditions, etc. Prince at halftime was definitely the highlight of the entire evening.

8:47 AM


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